Tragedy Shines Light on NYPD Failures

February 19, 2014

The death of Deisy Garcia and her children at the hands of
her abuser, after an attempt to seek protection from the NYPD, is a tragic
story that highlights the importance of language access services for limited
English proficient New Yorkers.  "We have seen victims of violence denied
NYPD protection because of language barriers one too many times," said LSNYC Equal Rights Initiative Coordinator Amy Taylor. "Police
services are vital services that all New Yorkers must be able to access when in
danger.  Our condolences go out to the Garcia family."

The New York Post reported this week that the NYPD failed to translate a domestic incident report that Ms. Garcia filed last May, in which she indicated that she feared her husband would harm her and her children.

Legal Services NYC  initiated a civil rights action against the NYPD in March 2013 regarding their routine
discrimination against immigrant New Yorkers who seek police assistance
in times of crisis.  This lawsuit, currently ongoing, was brought in Federal court on behalf
of five limited English proficient (LEP) survivors of domestic violence
and crime victims who were denied interpretation by the NYPD, and
thus denied access to vital police services, all in violation of federal
and City laws.

While it is the official policy of New York City and of the NYPD to
provide interpreter assistance to individuals with limited English
proficiency, the reality is that immigrant New Yorkers with language
barriers are routinely denied access to police services and routinely
face unlawful discrimination. In some instances, LEP victims of domestic violence are
arrested because the NYPD relies solely on the reports of their
English-proficient abusers.

More information about the action is available here.


Media Coverage:

NY Post: NYPD failed to translate mom's warning

NY Post: NYPD routinely fails to translate non-English reports: lawsuit

CNN:  A woman's plea in her native language goes untranslated, three lives are lost  

WNYC: In a City With Many Languages, NYPD Officers Rarely Use Interpreter Service

Fox News Latino: Controversy Over Untranslated Crime Report Filed With NYPD Shines Light On Similar Cases

Latin Post:
Slain Woman and Toddlers & NYPD's Failure to Protect Her/Translate Domestic-Incident Reports for Non-English Speakers 

Fox News Latino: NYPD accused of discriminating against immigrants


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