VAWA Self Petition/Battered Spouse Waiver

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VAWA Self Petition/Battered Spouse Waiver application clinic or study group (10 to 15 clients). Help low-income, immigrant domestic violence survivors gain legal status. VAWA self petitions and Battered Spouse Waivers are similar forms of relief available to domestic violence victims who have been married to batterers with legal status in the United States. Self petitions under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) - commonly called "VAWA Self-Petitions" - are available to immigrants who are or were married to abusers who are United States citizens. Battered Spouse Waivers (BSWs) are very similar, but even more straightforward.

The clinic is 5 hours, including 1.5 hours of training, 0.5 hours of case prep, and 3 hours of client meetings. At the clinic, volunteers will meet with clients, complete initial forms, identify relevant documentation to support the application, and create a plan for proceeding on the case. Partnering law firms commit to representing the client for the remainder of their case - which will likely involve an additional two or three meetings to complete the supporting affidavit and the remainder of the application, and representation at a potential interview before USCIS.

The "study group" provides many of the benefits of a clinic, without the scheduling challenges. Volunteers receive their client file 1 week prior to the study group. LSNYC will then come to the firm for 2 hours - consisting of 1.5 hours of training on VAWA Self Petitions and Battered Spouse Waivers, and 0.5 hours of consultations about cases. Pro bono attorneys commit to schedule client meetings within 1 week of the training. LSNYC will return in 4 to 8 weeks for a check in and to review draft affidavits and applications. Partnering law firms commit to providing full representation to the clients, which generally entails an additional two or three meetings to complete a supporting affidavit and the remainder of the application, along with any interviews.