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Naturalizations application clinic (12 to 20 clients) or study group (6 to 12 clients). Help low-income clients apply to become U.S. citizens. Low-income immigrants who are ready to become U.S. citizens frequently find the process confusing and intimidating, leading to anxiety, delay, and sometimes to unnecessary rejection or worse. Having an attorney changes all of that.

The clinic is 4 hours, including 1 hour of training. At the clinic, volunteers will meet with clients and substantially complete their naturalization application. Partnering law firm commits to represent the client for any additional needs related to the application, and the eventual client interview, around 10 months after the application is submitted.

The "study group" provides many of the benefits of a clinic, without the scheduling challenges. Volunteers receive their client file 1 week prior to the study group. LSNYC will then come to the firm for 2 hours - consisting of 1.5 hours of training and 0.5 hours of consultations about cases. Pro bono attorneys commit to scheduling client interviews within 1 week of the training. Partnering law firm commits to represent the client for any additional needs related to the application, and the eventual client interview, around 10 months after the application is submitted.