Fall 2024 Veterans Rights Fellowship

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Manhattan Legal Services (MLS) is seeking a dynamic law student to sponsor for a postgraduate two-year Veterans Rights Fellowship from Equal Justice America to commence in the fall of 2024.

MLS is a part of Legal Services NYC, the largest provider of free civil legal services for low-income people in the country. We are an anti-racist, anti-poverty social justice law office, dedicated to providing high quality legal services in the areas of housing, family law, public benefits, economic justice, education, immigration and disability rights, with special units serving particular vulnerable populations. We are committed to working in partnership with community-based organizations in the low-income communities we serve to address the causes of poverty and systemic oppression.

MLS seeks proposals to provide direct legal services as well as to address systemic causes of social, racial and economic injustice for veterans. See below for more details about a Veterans Rights Fellowship proposal. 

The Proposal should be designed to reintegrate veterans, in particular BIPOC veterans, into civilian life and assist veterans with income and housing security. Projects can include direct representation, community education and outreach, clinic work, and impact policy work in civil legal areas that affect veterans in New York City. These issues include, but not limited to, housing, immigration, social security benefits, veteran benefits. public benefits, and family law. Services will be provided in a culturally sensitive manner for veterans who are often an insular population. The proposal will include know your right sessions for the veteran community and relevant community- based organizations. The proposal will also include impact work and providing testimony before relevant legislative bodies about the unmet civil legal needs of veterans.

We are looking for applicants with a demonstrated passion for social justice and a commitment to working with low-income communities and communities of color to advance equity. Qualified students and recent law graduates are invited to submit a resume, cover letter, and brief project proposal no later than February 29, 2024. Please send a brief proposal, cover letter, and resume by email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .